Summer School 2022
Call for Applications (PDF)
Summer School 2022 of the GRK 2571 ‘Empires’ (Freiburg)
19 - 21 September 2022, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany
The Research Training Group 2571 “Empires. Dynamic Transformation, Temporality and Postimperial Orders” of the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg invites applications for its summer school from September 19th to 21st. The summer school welcomes all PhD students and postdoctoral researchers working on topics relevant to the RTG’s research projects. Applicants will be working in four groups joined by the RTG’s PhD candidates. The topics for those groups are a) Empire and Cultural Reproduction b) Imperial Identity, Heritage and Ethnicity c) Knowledge Production in Empires d) Empire and Natural Spaces.
The applicants’ own research projects can be situated in all periods of history, in sociology, political science, and literary studies, or be interdisciplinary. For more information about the RTG and the research projects of our PhDs, please visit
The pandemic permitting, participants will be hosted in the Black Forest for two and a half days. They will have the opportunity to present their projects and discuss their progress with international PhD students and postdoctoral researchers working in similar fields or researching related themes.
The school will include multiple group sessions and a concluding panel involving all participants.
As the program will involve communal meals and extended group sessions, participants might not be able to follow mask and social distancing rules in every situation. Thus, we require all participants to be fully vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2 and present a negative rapid lateral flow test on arrival. The RTG will provide everybody with additional self-tests every morning before rejoining the group for the day.
To apply, please e-mail the following documents (in English or German) to
- An abstract of the desired discussion topic, incorporating at least one of the four topics mentioned above (one-page maximum). Please be explicit about how your topic and imperialism are not merely contemporary but stand in a causal relationship.
- A short letter of motivation, outlining the benefit of participation (one-page maximum)
- A brief CV (one-page maximum)
- A short, signed statement declaring the participant’s consent to present proof of complete vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 with a vaccine authorised by the European Medicines Agency (EMA).
The deadline for applications is April 15, 2022. Applicants will be notified by May 2nd. The RTG will cover the cost of accommodation and subsidise travel costs. Following the invitation, we expect the participants to submit a chapter draft, an article, or a working paper (twenty-page maximum) as the basis for discussion during the group sessions. Please note that the school will primarily be held in English.
While we are strongly committed to holding this event on-site and taking all the necessary precautions, in the case of a deteriorating pandemic situation, we will move to a digital format.
If you have further inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us via