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News & Announcements

Just out: Website “Imperial Moments. An Anthology”

Our Research Training Group is very pleased that our PhD students, under the coordination of Professor Elisabeth Piller, launched the website “Imperial Moments. An Anthology” <>.

The website gives an overview of the various research projects in our RTG.

New publication "Asch / Eich / Piller (Eds.): Imperien - Temporalität, Visualisierungen und post-imperiale Ordnungen"

Our Research Training Group has just published the proceedings of the lectures held during the first three years of our project (2020–2023) <>.

The edited volume is available in open access here.

Event Recording: Literary Reading "The Dead Lake" with Hamid Ismailov

We are excited to release the recording of Hamid Ismailov’s literary reading from his book The "Dead Lake". Our PhD candidate, Verena Zabel, moderated the event and conducted an interview with the famous Uzbek writer-in-exile. The event was part of our RTG’s second annual conference, "Environmental and Cultural Destruction in Imperial Spaces".

You can watch the full recording here.