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Dr. Noémi Lévy-Aksu



Curriculum vitae



Areas of research / Research focus 

  • Late Ottoman/Modern Turkish History
  • History of Law
  • Urban History
  • Regimes of Exception
  • General history since the 18th century



Hafiza Merkezi: Truth, Justice, Memory Center in Istanbul





Levy-Aksu, Noémi / Georgeon, François (eds.): The Young Turks and the Ottoman Empire. The Aftermath of the 1908 Revolution, London 2017.
Noémi Lévy-Aksu: Ordre et désordres dans l’Istanbul ottomane (1879-1909), Paris 2013.

Noémi Lévy-Aksu: Osmanlı İstanbul’unda Asayiş.1879-1909, İstanbul 2017.

Turkish translation

Levy-Aksu, Noémi / Georgeon, François (Hrsg.): The Young Turks and the Ottoman Empire. The Aftermath of the 1908 Revolution, London 2017.
Noémi Lévy-Aksu: The Power of Discretion. Regimes of Exception in the Late Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey
(Oxford University Press, in progress).

Articles and Book contributions

Lévy-Aksu, Noémi: La police ottomane au tournant des XIXe et XXe siècles. Les mémoires d’un commissaire d’Izmir, RHMC 54/2 (2007), 140-161.
Lévy-Aksu, Noémi: Salonique et la guerre gréco-turque de 1897. Le fragile équilibre d’une ville ottomane, Mesogeios 34 (2008), 29-47.

Lévy-Aksu, Noémi: Modalités et enjeux de la circulation des savoirs policiers. Un modèle français pour la police ottomane?, Revue d’Histoire des Sciences Humaines 19 (2008), 11-27.

Lévy-Aksu, Noémi: Une institution en formation. La police ottomane à l’époque d’Abdülhamid II, EJTS (2008), 1-30.

Lévy-Aksu, Noémi: Troubles fêtes. Les perceptions policières de Pâques et du Ramadan à Istanbul au tournant des XIXe et XXe siècles, in: Clayer, N., Kaynar, E. (Hrsg.): Penser, vivre et agir dans l'Empire ottoman et en Turquie, Leuven 2013, 321-338.
Lévy-Aksu, Noémi: Bir Sempozyum Hakkında. Polis Tarihi Aranıyor, Toplumsal Tarih 229 (2013), 10-12.

Lévy-Aksu, Noémi: Coopérations et substitutions institutionnelles. La police et la justice ottomanes au tournant des XIXe et XXe siècles, in: Aymes, M., Gourisse, B., Massicard, E. (Hrsg.): L'art de l'Etat en Turquie. Arrangements de l'action publique de la fin de l'Empire ottoman à nos jours, Paris 2013, 151-172.
English version

Lévy-Aksu, Noémi: Building Professional and Political Communities. The Value of Honor in the Self-Representation of Ottoman Police during the Second Constitutional Period, EJTS 18 (2014), 1-22.
Lévy-Aksu, Noémi: Institutional Cooperation and Substitution. The Ottoman Police and Justice System at the Turn of the 19th and 20th Centuries, in: Aymes, M., Gourisse, B., Massicard, E. (Hrsg.): Order and Compromise. Government Practices in Turkey from the Late Ottoman Empire to the Early 21st Century, Leiden 2014, 146-168.

Lévy-Aksu, Noémi: A capital challenge. Managing violence and disorders in late Ottoman Istanbul, in: Freitag, U., Fuccaro, N., Ghrawi, C., Lafi, N. (Hrsg.): Rethinking Urban Violence in the Middle East. Changing Cityscapes in the Transition from Empire to Nation State, Oxford 2015, 52-69.
Lévy-Aksu, Noémi: An Ottoman variation on the state of siege. The invention of the idare-i örfiyye during the first constitutional period, New Perspectives on Turkey 55 (2016), 5-28.
Noémi Lévy-Aksu: La naissance de la police ottomane, in: Dakhli, L. (Hrsg.), Le Moyen-Orient, Paris 2016, 152-174.

Noémi Lévy-Aksu: Osmanlı’da Olağanüstü Hal: Örfi İdare, in: Alkan, M. Ö. (Hrsg.), Osmanlı’dan Günümüze Darbeler, Istanbul 2017, 68-79.

Noémi Lévy-Aksu: Freedom versus Security: Regulating and Managing Public Gatherings after the Young Turk Revolution, in: Georgeon, F./ Lévy-Aksu, N. (Hrsg.): The Young Turk Revolution and the Ottoman Empire: The Aftermath of 1908, London 2017.

Noémi Lévy-Aksu: The State and the City, the State in the City: Another Look at Citadinité, in: Dalachanis, A./ Lemire, V. (Hrsg.): Ordinary Jerusalem. Opening New Archives, Revisiting a Global City, Leiden 2018, 143-160.



Levy-Aksu, Noémi/ Toumarkine, Alexandre: Osmanlı’da Asayiş, Suç ve Ceza (18.-20. yy.), Istanbul 2007.

Levy-Aksu, Noémi/ Özbek, Nadir/ Toumarkine, Alexandre: Jandarma ve Polis: Osmanlı ve Fransız Tarihçiliğine Çapraz Bakışlar, Istanbul 2009.

Levy-Aksu, Noémi / Georgeon, François (Hrsg.): The Young Turks and the Ottoman Empire. The Aftermath of the 1908 Revolution, London 2017.