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Aktuelle Publikationen:


Asch, Ronald G. / Eich, Peter / Piller, Elisabeth M. (Hg.): Imperien - Temporalität, Visualisierungen und post-imperiale Ordnungen : Ringvorlesungen der Wintersemester 2020/21, 2021/22 und 2022/23 (Freiburger Imperienforschung (GRK 2571) 1), Freiburg 2024. (online verfügbar)


Beckers, Cornelius: ‘I too in couplets would attempt to paint / Our varied woes, and versify complaint’: Poetic Form and Knowledge in Early Nineteenth-Century Satirical Poetry by East India Company Employees, Global Nineteenth-Century Studies 3,1 (2024), 51–64. (online verfügbar)


Zabel, Verena: Atomwaffen? Nein danke, Wochentaz 9. – 15. März 2024. (online verfügbar)


Cramer, Meta: Colonial scholars and anti-colonial agents: politics of academic knowledge production between the West Indies and London in the mid-20th century, Sociology lens 36,2 (2023), 208–222. (online verfügbar)


Heijden, Rogier E. M. van der: (Rez.) "Hallmannsecker: Roman Ionia. Constructions of Cultural Identity in Western Asia Minor. Greek Culture in the Roman World, Cambridge 2022", Göttinger Forum für Altertumswissenschaften 26 (2023), 1025-1030. (online verfügbar)


Mayer, Teresa: Konferenzbericht "Politics of pasts and futures in (post-)imperial contexts", H-Soz-Kult (28.02.2023). (online verfügbar)


Schneider, Daniela: (Rez.) "Ng, Michael: Political Censorship in British Hong Kong. Freedom of Expression and the Law (1842–1997), Cambridge 2022", HZ 316,2 (2023), 499–500. (online verfügbar) 


Cramer, Meta: Theorising the Caribbean against the grain. How West Indian social scientists established the Caribbean as a space of knowledge production in the 1950s, Sociedade e Estado 37,3 (2022), 835–859. (online verfügbar)


Neutatz, Dietmar / Dabringhaus, Sabine / Krieger, Tim / Kirschbaum, Heinrich / Piller, Elisabeth / Arndt, Melanie / Leonhard, Jörn: Die Rückkehr der Imperien? Putins Krieg und seine globalen Implikationen, Journal of Modern European History 20,2 (2022), 148–160. (online verfügbar)


Heijden, Rogier E. M. van der: (Rez.) "Flohr, Miko (Hg.): Urban space and urban history in the Roman world, London / New York 2021.", Tijdschrift voor geschiedenis 134,3 (2021), 482-483. (online verfügbar)